11th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in Timisoara
|Greek-Catholic Parish „Holy Mary Queen of Peace” from Timisoara celebrates in 15th September 2017 the 11th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
As we established Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel in 2006 the common intentions were: 1. Peace in the world, 2. Expiation of sins and 3. Stoping of abortion.
Father Justo Lofeudo from Our Blessed Lady of the Holy Sacrament Congregation was the missionary who stood 2 months in Timisoara, preached at all Catholic and some Orthodox churches in order to gather enough adorers (700). He told us that trough adoration we contribute to change to world and to establish the kingdom of God on earth. The pro-life Association Gift of Life has since then the privilege to run the counseling office under the same roof as the PEA Capel!
We are the only PEA Chapel in Romania since now, as far we know.
Our pro-life activity become prolific since than, from Timisoara started the pilgrimages with the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the vast majority of Romanian cities also in Ucraine, Bulgaria, India, Vietnam and Kazachstan. We organized the first march for life with about 20 people in Timisoara in 2007 and now we have no doubt to attribute the multiplication of the pro-life marches to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Each year there are more and more cities who organize the pro-life march in Romania (in 2017 there were 285 Romanian cities), when all the media develops pro-life debates and communities promote pro-life events.
On adoration, Anda testifies: she found a job and also a husband as a prompt response from Jesus to her prayer. She decided to come at night to adoration because she saw the effort of other elder people to come at night and it was bigger than hers.
Leo (18) found his priestly vocation during Eucharistic Adoration and he comes to Jesus ”out of love”, because ”I find relief in any of my problems, He makes me happy and it is the the best spend time because in heaven I will do exactly this, adore Jesus forever!”
Simona, professor at University, was healed from cancer and she says she ”would and could not live without HIM”.
Sorina is traveling since years every weekend about 100 km distance in order to come at her 2 nightly adoration hours.
Zorita was healed of cancer and she is walking once a week about 2 km by night in order to come to her adoration hours.
Mrs Elly won 2 different law suits the same day of 8 November by praying to St. Archangel Michael who is the Patron of our PEA Chapel. And she was her own lawyer in front of the Court, having no money to pay 2 lawyers!
Florin is police officer and he was the general coordinator of the Chapel. He confirms that since exists PEA in Timisoara the police had less criminal acts.
Also Timisoara was always in the best situation when in the whole country were flooding, storm, snow, extreme temperatures or even earthquakes – our city had a special protection!
And testimonies are many and they continue in the big register in the Chapel!
We thank to God forever and ever for this privilege, as we are more and more indebted to God!
Gerda Chisarau